God’s Rescue Plan : Part 13 – Ephesians chapter 2 verses 11 to 22
AS THE CHURCH WE ARE… * Enjoying a relationship as God’s children * Fellowshipping as God’s people * Bearing witness as God’s dwelling place
AS THE CHURCH WE ARE… * Enjoying a relationship as God’s children * Fellowshipping as God’s people * Bearing witness as God’s dwelling place
IF CHRIST DIDN’T RISE, THEN… * Christian preaching is empty * Christian faith is worthless * Christians are still in their sins * Christians who have died have perished * Christians are to be pitied
* The Substitute That We Should Worship * The Shepherd That We Can Trust * The Example That We Should Follow
* Jesus: The Fullness of God * Jesus: The Lord of Creation * Jesus: The Head of the Church * Jesus: The Reconciler of Creation
* “For God so loved the world…” * “…that he gave his one and only Son…” * “…that whoever believes in him…” * “…should not perish but have everlasting life.”
IF WE BELIEVE IN CHRIST… * We know we have eternal life * We know that God answers prayer * We know that we are being transformed by God * We know that we belong to…
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THE CASE FOR CHRIST * The Witness of the Water * The Witness of the Blood * The Witness of the Spirit
* A true Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God * A true Christian loves the family of God * A true Christian joyfully keeps God’s commandments * A true Christian overcomes the…
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(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * The Testimony of God’s Spirit * The Reliability of God’s Messengers * The Acknowledgement of God’s Son * The Experience of God’s Love * The Practice of God’s Love
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Love is Personified in God * Love is Proven by the Cross * Love is Practised by God’s People