1 John chapter 5 verses 1 to 5
* A true Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God * A true Christian loves the family of God * A true Christian joyfully keeps God’s commandments * A true Christian overcomes the…
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* A true Christian believes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God * A true Christian loves the family of God * A true Christian joyfully keeps God’s commandments * A true Christian overcomes the…
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(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * The Testimony of God’s Spirit * The Reliability of God’s Messengers * The Acknowledgement of God’s Son * The Experience of God’s Love * The Practice of God’s Love
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Love is Personified in God * Love is Proven by the Cross * Love is Practised by God’s People
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Recognise the Existence of False Teaching * Believe in the Truth of Jesus’ Incarnation * Hear the Teaching of God’s Word
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Confidence… in approaching God * Confidence… in prayer * Confidence… that we’re abiding in God
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * The testimony of brotherly love * The example of brotherly love * The outworking of brotherly love
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Sin – it’s essence * Sin – it’s origin * Sin – it’s remedy * Sin – and the Christian life
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) CHRISTIANS SHOULD… * Have Confidence at Jesus’ Appearing * Show Evidence of Jesus’ Transformation * Appreciate the Blessing of the Father’s Adoption
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * Who are the antichrists? * How are the people of God to defend themselves against them? * What blessings come to those who do this?
(Sorry! Poor sound quality) * 3 Definitions of Loving the World * 2 Reasons to Not Love the World